ACTS 29 | A diverse, global family of church-planting churches
Sojourn Church was, and still is in many ways, a church plant. We would not exist if New City Church in Macon, GA did not desire to plant churches. New City sent out a group of approximately 20 people to plant a church in Middle GA south of Macon. Church planting has therefore been a passion of ours from the beginning. We desire to plant churches, and being a part of the Acts 29 Network is a very strategic partnership that helps us to support church planting in many ways.

The Acts 29 Network is very beneficial for our church. It specifically helps us in two ways. First, it helps us to plant churches. Our pastors receive training from church planting experts in the network. We contribute to Acts 29 financially, which is an investment in church planting globally. The network challenges us to stay focused on being missional rather than having an inward focus. Secondly, involvement in Acts 29 helps our pastors and leaders stay healthy. Some of our pastors gather with other Acts 29 Georgia pastors on a monthly basis to encourage each other, share stuggles of the ministry, celebrate together, and seek to keep each other healthy. Acts 29 also holds training conferences and pastor retreats that are very valuable for encouraging, equipping, and refueling our pastors and staff.
The following is from the Acts 29 website:
Why do we exist?
As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!
Why do we plant churches?
Why are we so single-minded? Because we believe that the church is God’s primary mission strategy, and so the means by which Jesus is made more famous as communities of light are scattered throughout the world to dispel the darkness
Why do we exist?
As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!
Why do we plant churches?
Why are we so single-minded? Because we believe that the church is God’s primary mission strategy, and so the means by which Jesus is made more famous as communities of light are scattered throughout the world to dispel the darkness