Join us for Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM. No Sunday Service on Dec. 25.

Recommended Reading

These are books that have helped me in my faith, discipled me, inspired me, and made me think in a helpful way. I hope you will be encouraged and instructed by any of these books you choose to read.

*Disclaimers: I do not agree with everything written in every book on this page. I do not agree with every author about everything they've written or said. I have not checked to see whether every author has lived a life worth emulating. These are simply books that have helped me in some meaningful way that I tend to recommend. 
- Jason B. 
Apologetics / Defending the Faith
Abortion / Pro-Life Ministry
Bible Commentaries
  • The New American Commentary
  • Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary
*Available on Amazon, but you have to search for it by the book of the Bible you are wanting to study. 
Biographies & Autobiographies
Community / Friendship / Fellowship
Conflict Resolution
Change / Sanctification
Your Discipleship / Making Your Life Count
Money Management / Possessions / Stewardship
Pastoral Ministry / Eldership
Racism / Race / Ethnicity / Diversity
  • See Biography section 
Sex & Sexuality
  • See Gay Girl, Good God in Biography section
Spiritual Warfare