Join us for Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM. No Sunday Service on Dec. 25.

Share A Testimony At  Sojourn's 10th Anniversary Celebration

Has God used Sojourn to bring you to faith or to help you better understand the gospel? Did God use a community group, a sermon, or the music to get you through a tough season? We'd love for you to share so that we can celebrate what God has done in and through us as a church in our first 10 years. During the Sunday morning gathering on August 15, we will celebrate God's faithfulness to and through Sojourn by singing and hearing testimonies. 
Whether you share in video, live, or in writing...
  • Answer the question, "How has God used Sojourn in your life?"
  • The more details and emotions you share, the more people will connect and engage with your story. That being said, feel free to share as generally or specifically as you'd like. 
  • You can mention specific people at Sojourn that God used in your life. Depending on what you plan to share, it may be best to get their permission before you share.
  • Please do not speak negatively about other specific churches, organizations, or people. 
4 Ways To Share A Testimony 
(Click a button below for specific instructions)

1. Make Your Own Video Testimony

If you film your own video testimony, read the instructions below: 

Camera Settings and Orientation
All of our videos need to be captured horizontally, not vertically.
Consider The Angle
Our natural instinct when shooting video on our phones is to hold the phone in a way that is most comfortable, such as keeping the phone low and bending our neck to look downward. It’s important for the camera to be eye level with the speaker for the footage to look most natural to viewers.

Lighting, Background, and Potential Distractions
Although you may need to use some overhead lighting or lamps, the more natural light the better. The best way to achieve nice even lighting is to position yourself towards a window. Take a moment to think about what will be behind you when you capture your video. Watch out for objects that may appear to be sticking out of your head from off in the distance. Be mindful of anything in your shot that may be distracting, such as another screen or smart watch.

Try to minimize background noise as best as you can by turning off fans, televisions, HVAC, and other nearby appliances that would be heard in your recording.

*You do not need to edit your video. We will edit it after you submit it. For time's sake, we may share an edited portion of the video. Please submit your video by August 1. 
*If you have any trouble uploading the video, contact Pastor Josh

2. Get Help Filming A Video Testimony

If you would like to do a video testimony, but would rather come to the building to film it rather than doing it at home, fill out the form below by July 25. Pastor Josh will then reach out to you to set up a time. 

Get Help Filming At The Church Building With Pastor Josh

3. Share A Testimony Live On Stage

If you'd prefer to grab the mic and share live on stage during the service, that option is available. Please fill out the form below by August 1. Pastor Jason will contact you the first week of August to give details about the service.  Please remember that each testimony should be less than 5 minutes.
We recommend writing in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, saving it, and then copying/pasting it into this form. That way, if anything happens during the process of submitting it, you still have a copy.

4. Share A Written Testimony (for someone else to read)

Perhaps you'd like to share your testimony, but do not desire to be on video or on stage. You can write out the testimony you would like to share. Pastor Jason or one of the pastors can read it during the Sunday morning gathering. Please submit your written testimony by filling out the form below by August 1.

We recommend writing in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, saving it, and then copying/pasting it into this form. That way, if anything happens during the process of submitting it, you still have a copy.
* For time's sake, we may read an edited portion of what is written.