Share A Testimony At Sojourn's 10th Anniversary Celebration
Has God used Sojourn to bring you to faith or to help you better understand the gospel? Did God use a community group, a sermon, or the music to get you through a tough season? We'd love for you to share so that we can celebrate what God has done in and through us as a church in our first 10 years. During the Sunday morning gathering on August 15, we will celebrate God's faithfulness to and through Sojourn by singing and hearing testimonies.
Whether you share in video, live, or in writing...
- Answer the question, "How has God used Sojourn in your life?"
- The more details and emotions you share, the more people will connect and engage with your story. That being said, feel free to share as generally or specifically as you'd like.
- You can mention specific people at Sojourn that God used in your life. Depending on what you plan to share, it may be best to get their permission before you share.
- Please do not speak negatively about other specific churches, organizations, or people.
4 Ways To Share A Testimony
(Click a button below for specific instructions)
(Click a button below for specific instructions)