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Posts with the category “adultery”

Six Ways to Help When Your Friend's Marriage Is Wrecked By Adultery (Adultery - Part 6)
by Jason Berl on August 6th, 2016
  If you have a friend that is going through an affair, you can be a huge help and blessing or a source of further pain and heartache. I want to share with you the type of friend that I hope and pray surrounds those I am counseling through affair recovery. These principles may be broadly applicable, but I am specifically thinking about how to be a good friend to the faithful AND unfaithful spouse ...  Read More
Is It Weak To Stay With Your Adulterous Spouse? (Adultery - Part 5)
by Jason Berl on August 5th, 2016
  “I feel so weak. If I were strong I would leave him/her. If I don't leave my spouse, does that mean I am weak and needy?” I often hear words such as these when walking with a husband or wife whose spouse had an affair.     Let me be clear! You are not weak for seeking to work towards healing, reconciliation, and trust in your marriage. It takes strength to forgive, grieve, have hard healing conv...  Read More
Four Steps To Recovering Your Marriage After An Affair (Adultery - Part 4)
by Jason Berl on August 4th, 2016
“What in the world do we do now? We are not prepared for this.” That is what I typically hear in the first counseling session after an affair is confessed or discovered. Understanding the basics of what it takes to recover from an affair may help you empathize with a friend, or it may help you have a clue where to start if you ever find yourself in affair recovery. Having counseled couples after i...  Read More
Four Ways To Fight Adultery Before You Are Married (Adultery - Part 3)
by Jason Berl on August 3rd, 2016
  If you do not begin fighting infidelity until you have already begun an inappropriate relationship, you have started the fight too late. I would even argue that if you start to fight infidelity on your wedding day, you have started too late. There are healthy patterns you can establish before you say “I do” that can give you and your future spouse increased confidence that you will be faithful t...  Read More
Two Signs You Are About To Have An Affair (Adultery - Part 2)
by Jason Berl on August 2nd, 2016
Helping couples fight for their marriages through the excruciating pain of adultery has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. That being said, I would prefer for the affairs to never have happened. There are many signs that you are in danger of having an affair, but I've noticed two that are almost always present and reasonably easy to discern. Please know that I am sharing this to lovin...  Read More
Why A Blog Series About Adultery? (Adultery - Part 1)
by Jason Berl on August 1st, 2016
It is hard to get up-to-date and accurate statistics on adultery, because many affairs are probably not discovered or reported to questionnaires. However, many researchers suggest that adultery affects more than half of all marriages nationally.     For this reason and more, I am writing a series of blogs about adultery. I plan to release one blog each day this week. “Well, definitive numbers are...  Read More



